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Polyurethane waterproofing, priming compounds, sealants, mastics, primers, etc. REDINGTON

More than 12 years NEW TECHNOLOGIES GROUP has been supplying polyurethane waterproofing, primers, sealants, mastics, fiber fibers, cleaners, solvents, reinforcing tapes, primers. Our extensive expertise and using components from leading manufacturers is the main reason why the customers choose us.
Product catalog REDINGTON


The company REDINGTON (Turkey) is engaged in the production of polymer materials for waterproofing works. REDINGTON is a new generation of premium polyurethane waterproofing.
  • assortment

    The product line consists of polymer polyurethane and polyurethane-bitumen mastics, primers, cleaners, activators and reinforcing materials.

    All products are manufactured on modern equipment and pass strict quality control at every stage of production. The warranty for the material is 5 years. The service life of the material from the manufacturer's factory is from 25 years.

    When buying from 100 m2 of polyurethane membrane Redington-free installation supervision on your object throughout the Krasnodar territory, in other regions of Russia by agreement.


The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant REDINGTON: polyurethane waterproofing, primers, sealants, mastics, fiber fibers, cleaners, solvents, reinforcing tapes, primers
  • Polyurethane waterproofing REDINGTON
    Polyurethane waterproofing
    RUF-N, RUF-V, PARAPET, etc.
  • Polyurethane-bitumen waterproofing REDINGTON
    Polyurethane-bitumen waterproofing
    PB-2K, PB-2K Sand, etc.
  • Priming compositions REDINGTON
    Priming compositions
    WET 5%/18%/95%, GLASS, etc.
  • Sealants REDINGTON
    PU40, PU-2K, etc.
  • Equipment REDINGTON
    Cleaners, accelerators, etc.
  • Protective materials REDINGTON
    Protective materials
    Protective sprinkles, slates, etc.

Find your REDINGTON equipment

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    Обратитесь за консультацией специалиста по ценовому диапазону и техническим характеристикам.

Information Board REDINGTON

Learn more about our products REDINGTON.
  • Price list for front/main.switch_titleпроизводства REDINGTON products
    Price list for REDINGTON products
  • REDINGTON Product Catalog front/main.switch_titleна сайте REDINGTON
    REDINGTON Product Catalog
  • Advantages. Scope of application of front/main.switch_titleпоставщика REDINGTON waterproofing
    Advantages. Scope of application of REDINGTON waterproofing
  • Questionnaire for front/main.switch_titleв магазине REDINGTON products
    Questionnaire for REDINGTON products


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